
Behave ourseleves

while I was surfing the internet, I saw a piece of shocking news:a chinese visitor wrote" Been here“ on the pyramid when he visited the pyramid in Egypt.maybe some poeple will say:"Is that a big deal?". however,it shows Chinese national quality。

of course,that man's behaviour is totally wrong.he just thought that it was fun to write something on the pyramid,but he didn't give it a second thought.his behaviour might ruin his fame.

we shouldn't do harm to public facilities。behaving ourseleves in front of the pulic is important.

especially when there are foreigners around us.if we do someting rude and disgusting,other people will look down upon you, sometimes, even your country.

take actions now!start from ourselves.I'm convinced that China will become a better coutry!

望采纳!thank you!have a nice day!