豳风桥在清漪园时期称桑苎桥,光绪年间重建后,慈禧太后为避已故咸丰皇帝的名讳奕zhu也为避其谐音如丧主,将其改为豳风桥。豳风二字出自《豳风七月》,描写的是百姓耕田采桑的劳动场景。? 玉带桥既是昆明湖的入水口也是帝后们乘船从清漪园去静明园的必经之路,为了满足行船的需要设计成了高拱形单孔石桥。因形似玉带而得名,东西两侧的桥身上刻有乾隆皇帝亲笔撰写的对联和“玉带桥”三字。镜桥名称出自于唐代大诗人李白“两水夹明镜,双桥落彩虹。”的意境。? 练桥名称出自于南朝诗人谢朓的诗句“余霞散成绮,澄江静如练。”的意境,练是白色的丝织品,寓意此桥架在澄静如练的昆明湖上。? 在练桥和镜桥之间还有一个建筑是景明楼,景明楼的名称出自宋代大文学家范仲淹的名著《岳阳楼记》中“至若春和景明,波澜不惊,上下天光,一碧万顷。”建筑形式是按照元代著名画家赵子昂的名画《荷亭纳凉图》中的画境创造的。过了东西堤的交界处绣漪桥,我们就来到了东堤,东堤上的主要建筑是昆仑石碑,廓如亭,十七孔桥,铜牛,文昌阁,耶律楚材祠。?
昆仑石碑共有两块,一块立于绣漪桥北面,石碑四面镌刻着乾隆皇帝赞美长河两岸风光的御制诗,一块立于铜牛北面,石碑四面镌刻着乾隆皇帝赞美昆明湖东岸景观的御制诗。? 沿着堤岸向北走看到的亭子就是廓如亭,它是我国古典园林中最大的一座观景亭,建筑面积约300平方米,在这里观景视野开阔,所以叫廓如亭,又因它是八面重檐攒尖顶,故又俗称八方亭。? 连接廓如亭和南湖岛的就是十七孔桥,全长150米,宽8米,仿照金代卢沟桥建造,望柱上共雕刻有544只形态各异的狮子,数量远远多于卢沟桥。? 铜牛位于廓如亭的北侧,铜牛是镇水之物,为了阐明其用意,乾隆皇帝还特意撰写了四言铭文《金牛铭》,用篆体刻在金牛背上,以铜牛镇水源于大禹治水的故事。? 东堤最北侧的建筑就是文昌阁了,是颐和园六座城关(六座城关的名字)中最大的一座,阁内供奉文昌帝君坐像,它与万寿山西侧的宿云檐城关东西相对,一共文昌帝,一共关羽,左文右武,寓意大清江山“文武辅弼”。介绍完了西堤东堤接下来我们说一下昆明湖中的大小岛屿。? 在文昌阁西北是由大小两座岛屿组成的知春岛,大岛上建有知春亭,亭名源于宋代大文濠苏东坡《惠崇春江晚景》诗中“竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。”的意境。?南湖岛是昆明湖中最大的岛屿,通过十七孔桥与东堤相连,南湖岛上有涵虚堂和广润灵雨祠,涵虚堂原名望蟾阁,乾隆年间仿照湖北武昌黄鹤楼建造,后来因为南湖岛基础逐渐下沉,嘉庆便把它改为一层的涵虚堂,光绪年间慈禧曾在此检阅水师学堂的官兵进行的阵法演练。广润灵雨祠俗称龙王庙,宋真宗时称广润祠,乾隆年间改为现名。其香火延续到清末,现在看到的是1986年重修的。?
昆明,别称春城,是云南省省会、滇中城市群中心城市,国务院批复确定的中国西部地区重要的中心城市之一。下面是我整理的关于昆明概况的英文 导游词 ,欢迎阅读。
Kunming lake is located in the Summer Palace in Beijing, its area is about three-quarters of the total area. Former northwest Beijing many springs converge into natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake.
Kunming lake, a former northwest Beijing many springs converge into natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake. Due to the longevity hill after the predecessor has the name of urn hill, also known as urn hill parking. Kunming lake is a natural, artificial lake. Here is the original xishan hill arch fans, former reason springs to assemble a lowland swamp.
In 1153 AD, after gold yanjing (as) in its capital, gold master yan hong light out the chicken water land, built in the jinshan palace. More from the west to the aim of yuquan hill spring note at the foot of the jinshan, make it become a plain, storage called the golden stream. This is the precursor of the kunming lake today. To the yuan dynasty, to increase the golden stream of water will be needed to supply the Kyoto grain transportation, water conservancy, guo shoujin guided ChangPing County white water from springs and yuquan hill into the mooring floating village. Jinshan was renamed urn hill, lake was renamed urn hill berth, the surface than had previously been expanded. In the Ming dynasty, white village water channel (white floating weir) disrepair, the water dried up, urn hill parking area is narrow. Emperor qianlong in the qing dynasty carved deep to expand mooring and urn hill, become larger than when Ming dynasty triple giant leaching, the beginning of the kunming lake.
This name, is the emperor that is applied in the qianlong emperor in changan capital kunming pool practicing wenhuan allusions. The name used today. After the yuan dynasty Beijing its capital for grain transportation, presided over by the water conservancy experts guo shoujin, upstream water development, changping along the mountain spring water and running water into the lake, became mostly in the city of grain transportation by using the reservoir. Many planting lotus in the lake in the Ming dynasty, around the paddy planting rice, lake have temples, pavilions, wins again, like the jiangnan scenery, hence there are "west lake", "west lake scenery" of reputation.
MingWu of land god, Ming has been on a boat to go fishing for fun here. Qing qianlong built qingyi garden, the lake will develop, become the size of the now, and take the emperor in changan kunming digging pool exercises war story, named kunming lake, on the lake every summer training exercise. Kunming lake on the main subject is west dike and six bridge, east dike, the west embankment in the south lake island, the marble seventeen-arch bridge which and so on. Flow around the longevity hill river at the foot of the mountain, known as the lake.
Appropriate county village of Venus, if there are mountain shape lie lion, said fu lion mountain. Five mountains rise steeply, rock mountains towering mountain. Rock under clear spring flowing day and night, good water quality, and large flow. Water xiushan jung, bamboo forest, beautiful YaJing. Because of the landscape, also known as yanquan mountain. "The monk of the ancient mountains". Yuan to early is (about 1341) monk panlong father to name, "MAO as the temples, carry forward the catch. Edge, full followers build patriarch temple consecrate and handed down. After the monks found here is "land", among them. Yanquan ancient concurrently in a way together in the release, and temples.
The XFX years (1450 ~ 1450), mu fu man Zhu Fuhai beginning, monks and wide between wanli rebuilt. It is advisable to have said "yanquan wash jade", one of the eight sights "good". Kangxi 26 years (1687 years), city Gao Shilang, teachings to work is glad to invite scholars city investment management, build a pavilion pavilion, built half moon pool. Yanquan has since become something natural and cultural landscape are all places of interest. Salty, with BingXian DianGe damaged. In 1915, the magistrate of a county Qian Liangjun rebuilt pavilions, "half ShanTing". In 1929, city yun-xiang ma, raised mother fights pavilion, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion the cool new pavilion, wide plant flowers and trees, and mass of cliff stone carvings. Temples look brand-new, into the most prosperous period. In 1940, the Japanese bombing of kunming, the disabled in hospital, scenery to avoid damage.
Published in July 1987, moya carved stone county, it is advisable to good key cultural relics protection units. In February 1993, the county government approval, yanquan office allot the ownership of the temple of Venus. In recent years, the office on a large scale comprehensive reconstruction. New Ursa major, the great hall, temple, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion, the gate, swimming pool, etc., and wide planting flowers and trees, lawns, and roads, adding stone table bench, making yanquan changes today than yesterday. In April 1999, kunming expo garden gave nameboards headquarters and tourism bureau of yunnan province tourism fixed-point units, for the expo.
20_ , yanquan temple management committee carved stone steles commemorative tee: "professor mu book place", "Yuan Jiagu tea place", "hidden pavilion site". Modern three historical facts recorded yanquan temple, very creative, greatly improving the yanquan temple culture grade.
Andy scenic spot located at the side of the east suburb of kunming mingfeng, covers an area of 1773 mu of 8 km away from downtown. Mirage resorts to create next thirty years wanli (1602) Ming chongzhen decade (1637) moved tongdian struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years (1671), the day the king wu sangui reconstruction of the existing building double-hipped roof mountain type zhenwu bronze, bronze weighing 250 tons, is China's largest copper construction, it is the Summer Palace in Beijing mirage of the longevity hill intact; More than, the wudang mountain in hubei Andy is the largest remaining pure copper temple in China. The famous Andy belongs to taihe palace, as part of the total weight of 250 tons, for double-hipped roof flying pavilion imitation wood square building, the temple 6.7 meters high, 6.2 meters wide, deep, including stone, corrugated roof eaves beams, statues, curtain, bottle opener, you had plaque jacaranda with banners, etc were bronze.
Andy since with Chen bin Yu Wanli nonyl Yin (1602) years, ding, has more than 380 years; Wu sangui reconstruction has more than 210 years. Built during Ming wanli period. With Chen bin modeled on hubei all counties within the territory of mount wudang tianzhufeng taihe palace and mirage, built a little change. The late Ming dynasty ruled yunnan mu's evil, court repeatedly being disciplined, family decline. But, he is not on its own to find root cause, and to seek relief from the superstition. Letter is: YingWuShan in the east of the city, the mountain stands the bronze, "copper is the genera, of the west can g wood", so the tour by Zhang Feng He, mount tongdian down to chicken feet of western yunnan, fengshan mirage, existing Wu Sanjia rebuilt at the beginning of the qing dynasty. There were "on the beam, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years, were the big lv, ten door day, the day prince wu sangui worship", etc.
From the bottom up the car and walk, fairy bridge, into the "mingfeng", "first tianmen", "two tianmen" and "three doors. Climbing the tianmen, visible ancient grave taihe palace gate. Al cloud: "painting lianyun, three acres of castle peak, zhu LouYing, don't drive wizard a heavy day". Again into the temple gate, lingxingmeng door, visible stand tall brick city, blow about several zhangs, just like the Forbidden City. Along the order into the "city", right against the face high steps and is the center of the taihe palace architecture, famous mirage. Spot with three layers of 36 wing Angle of 29 meters high tower, the third floor of the dome, hung Ming yongle (1432) 21 years big bronze, cast by 3.5 metres high, caliber 6.7 meters circumference, 14 tonnes, to yunnan's largest antique clock. New "China golden expo garden", the wudang mountain in hubei, wutai mountain in shanxi, shandong taishan, and Beijing copper building housed a garden of the longevity hill. Estates in the pile of marble, Bridges water, step rail, road Shi Fang, plant flowers, such as landscape set each other off, form small and exquisite imitation bronze culture landscape. Andy botanical garden has 500 acres of gardens, has built the tea garden, azalea garden, magnolia, rose garden, WenShi District ten park, introduction of more than 20_ kinds of garden plants. Andy area is a combination of humanities landscape, natural landscape features of tourist attractions. Seven kilometers to the northeast in the city of kunming on phoenix mountain, have completely in bronze casting bronze, a house in the hot sun yi yi is unripe brightness, dazzling, so people called the mirage, is key protected cultural relics in China.
Spring city in qing dynasty kangxi nine years (AD 1670), wu sangui after peasant uprising, the rate of division into ju kunming, reconstruction of mirage. Can be seen on the mirage girders now ", the qing emperor kangxi 10 years, were the major of ji lu month (October) 6, day prince wu sangui to build "the copper. The inside of the Buddha, signboards, beams, level, doors and Windows, panlong, decoration and so on are made of bronze. Andy, floor, the steps of the railings are unique marble build by laying bricks or stones. The whole house majestic, beautiful and easy. Outside the temple built with walls, gates, battlements. The city on the floor. In behind the side, there are thick folded more than two strains of camellia one individual plant and crape myrtle, legend has it for the kind of the Ming dynasty, before and after the Spring Festival every year, thousands of camellia flowers in full bloom, bonus as fire.
Kunming lake dianchi lake for short, is located in the southwest of yunnan kunming, around 300 square kilometers, in more than 1800 meters above sea level, even your depth of 5 meters. Pool of the surrounding mountains, acquainting, famous countless, wide, green lake, excellent scenery. As a result, was regarded as one of the jewels in the yunnan-guizhou plateau. The formation of the dianchi lake is located in the bottom because the fall of faults, forming lakes. Heave near the mountains, endless miles. Underground cave not counted, liaoning benxi water tunnel and devoted WangTianDong, shenyang Tibetan army hole and its contrast, like a snail and elephants. Composition nets
Magnificent grand view pavilion, in the lake. China's most famous historical records a coupon from the long, recommended by chairman MAO. The western hills near the risks and magnificent, haigeng sports park, zheng he park, famous in the world, nie er's tomb, let a person respect, stone mountain village, white fish mouth, kuanyinshan magnificent appearance, the prosperity of ancient tomb complex sites let person fancy here.
, looking up, lakes and mountains, loud and clear, that look very cool. Why napa lake, breeding and growing fast. Years, built roads and tourism, tourists as a cloud. Brigitte chicken mountains and golden horse very image, between the shores of lake shi, tree forest. A and a looming temple, especially yan temple monks chanting loud voice to the morning bell and evening drum reminders, echoing in the mountains, is a beautiful picture.
Many mainland minorities, such as bai, dai, SaNiZu, fine clothes. Stand before is not expensive ethnic handicrafts, such as batik dress and jewelry. Many flavor snack, I just don't back to the assembly meeting to eat lunch and dinner, as some are full.
Yang Dian scholars in Ming dynasty there are poems said: climate is often as one, 4 flowers on spring. Is singing the weather and beautiful scenery here, seems to be added to travel a vacancy.
Huating temple, formerly known as great circle sleep temple, the yuan dynasty to treat three years (1323) XuanFeng monk is adding site of gause villa, the Dali kingdom period tomorrow shun six years (1462), temple monk sheng host rebuilt, the twenty-sixth year of the reign of emperor kangxi (1688) rebuilt after the expansion of the name huating temple.
Virtual cloud presided over the old monk rebuilt in 1920, called "by the cloud of Buddha, the most jinzhou.would in kunming area. 1984 to carry out the party's religious policy, huating temple on the first temple, open wide by courtesy of the merits of good people, to reconstruct the scripture-stored, overhaul hall, the newly built five hundred arhat hall, repair of cultural relics and ancient and modern famous inscriptions, increase the modern calligraphy couplet, fully protect the famous buddhist temple.
Huating temple complete structure, layout, exactly, imposing manner is thick, the study of religious culture and ancient architectural art has important value. Main building are: Ursa major, the scripture-stored tower, the clock tower, the abbot, meditation room, ancestor's hall, monastery, guest room, bell and drum tower, and the sea will tower, etc. A rectangular plane layout, in the buddhist architecture of axisymmetric, closed courtyard type. Have that plastic Ursa iii golden body of Buddha, the south China sea guanyin and five hundred arhats, great plastic maitreya, four major Kings, fire, water, and two transformers and bodhisattva wei tuo, the scripture-stored consecrate Buddha white marble statue. Temple treasures have: yuan tai (1324) of the first year of Sanskrit mantra stone statue of sheng tuo Ronnie after building, tomorrow the Yang Ming dynasty the imperial tablet, number one scholar of the couplet "hold west monohydrate, with or without haze, column outside the monk to be diffused rod; peaks toward you, sunny rain shade, lean on a bar person" in the drawing, and other precious historical relics.
Too hua temple years of vicissitudes of life after seven hundred years of wind and rain BingXian, Ming and qing dynasties expansion and repair for many times, but the rule is still keeping the yuan dynasty architectural style. Summer temple east west, scale, layout rigorous, five mixture patio, circus turrets, showed more traditional wear bucket structure, temple pavilion, pavilion, gallery, ChiHuiCheng, quiet quiet.
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